Every day is a hinge in time, connecting past and future; but at the start of a new year, we often pause to look back, at what we’re leaving behind, and forward, toward what awaits us in the year to come. Sometimes marked by grief or fear, this turning can be an emotional season of letting go. As Naomi Shihab Nye put it in her poem, “Burning the Old Year,”:
So much of any year is flammable . . . so little is a stone.
But threshold times are about more than loss. Also embedded in every change is some element of “stone” (the lasting aspects of the past) and seed (the new possibilities born in the space made by letting go).
Honoring all of this — the gifts and losses of change and what carries over— is an important threshold task for the cusp of any new year. To do just that, you are invited to an online session, “On the Cusp of a New Year: Where Old and New Meet,” Saturday, January 6, 10:30 am - 1 pm CT.
In this virtual retreat, attuned to the start of a new year (and coming up soon!), you’ll be offered guided reflection and conversation to access your own embodied experience and wisdom and the support and companionship of others. We’ll explore the threshold dynamics of change – engaging those dynamics to create a more welcoming future.
Please join me! Registration is open to all through the “Cusp of Change” series cosponsors: Prairiewoods Center for Spirituality and the Christine Center. It is also a free benefit to Threshold Times paid subscribers who will find a registration link and a mudra for the new year at the bottom of this email. If you’re not a paid subscriber, this is a good time to join and reap the benefits for the year ahead.
The January 6 online session is the first program in a yearlong series of twelve stand-alone online programs, all taking a deeper dive into my book, Trusting Change, while emphasizing the role of imagination and memory in living well with the uncertainties of the present day. (It is not necessary to read the book to participate.) The series dates and information are available here: “On the Cusp of Change: Where Memory and Imagination Meet.” As changes now come faster and closer together, each program in this yearlong series is a chance to pause to make sense of our changing world and to better understand our choices in living with change.
I hope to see you On the Cusp of Change, January 6 or in the future, as together we find hope, wisdom and community for these challenging times.