This Saturday kicks off the Threshold Times program series, “A Year of Living with Change” with an introductory online retreat “Stepping In: Finding Our Way in the Dynamics of Change.” I’m excited by your response and eager to share time together online this Saturday exploring the dynamics of change and how we can make use of them.
Those of you who already registered for the Jan 14 program should have received a confirmation email today. If you haven’t yet signed up and wish to participate, please remember that registration closes this Friday at 10 am, CT. (I’ll send another email like this next week about the Jan 31 online program.)
Participation in these online programs is a free benefit for Threshold Times paid subscribers. Nonsubscribers can also register for these programs for a fee through the Christine Center or Prairiewoods Retreat Center, co-sponsors of the yearlong series.
Stepping In: Finding Our Way in the Dynamics of Change
Saturday, Jan 14, 10:30am - 1pm CT
Drawing from my book, Trusting Change, I’ll offer an introduction to threshold dynamics and share several embodied and contemplative practices and basic skills for making use of these threshold dynamics. With time for reflection and conversation (and time for a break midway through!), this program can stand alone or offer grounding and support to threshold groups working with Trusting Change and participants who plan to join the monthly conversations in “A Year of Living with Change.”