What does it mean to practice equanimity? As we turn our attention to the third skill for living on the threshold of change, I am appreciating Sharon Salzberg’s definition of equanimity as “the voice of wisdom, being open to everything.” It is a spaciousness of heart and mind that does not get attached to particular stories or expected outcomes, but notices what is happening in the present moment and makes room for many possibilities that might follow.
In the video included here, I share some wisdom from James Baldwin and an embodied practice that I do many mornings to use my own shifting balance to help cultivate a greater spaciousness of heart and mind for the day ahead. Exploring different ways of restoring balance in times of change is also the focus of the in-person retreat I’m leading this weekend at Prairiewoods Spirituality Center. The retreat is open to all. If you’d like to join us, you can still register by clicking the button below:
Or, join me next Tuesday evening, March 21 for an online session exploring Equanimity with embodied practices, guided reflection in writing or silence, and conversation in small groups. Participation is included as a benefit for all paid subscribers to Threshold Times. Please consider joining this yearlong conversation on Living with Change by becoming a paid subscriber or, if you already are, by registering for next week’s online session on Equanimity.