Pausing together online
Join me online this Tuesday, exploring the gifts of Taking Part in Stillness
“Imagine that moment in the chrysalis. The caterpillar’s last skin has been shed, its last meal consumed, its attention turned within as the chrysalis shell changes color to mask its existence and its task from the outer world. Certainly, there is a stillness in that sheltered place, but not a barren one. It is a stillness alive with transformation about to begin.” (From Trusting Change, by Karen Hering)
What does it mean for us as humans to take part in stillness, especially in the midst of change? Is it true that some signficicant change might not be possible without an experience of pausing or stillness?
This month we’re focused on the thresholding skill “Taking Part in Stillness, a practice of pausing in the midst of change. How do we engage the power of pausing when the chaos of our times stirs an urgency that feels like the opposite of stillness? If you’d like to explore this in an online session of embodied practices and guided writing, reflection and conversation, please register for “On the Cusp of Change: Taking Part in Stillness,” on Tuesday, May 14.
Registration through the Christine Center and Prairiewoods retreat centers is open to all. Paid subscribers to Threshold Times can register using the link below (a benefit of your paid subscription).
Or maybe your practice of pausing this month will be taking time on your own, stepping out of your usual activities and listening deeply to the truths of your heart, mind and body. However you engage the power of pausing, take care and be well.