Let’s face it. As the brutalities of war and other horrific violence fill the daily news, it can be difficult to keep our hearts open. But I’m moved by what we’ve learned about how to do just that.
I’m struck by the number of somatic workers pointing out that, even as witnesses, we are not capable of processing the amount of trauma we’re exposed to just by watching the news or scrolling through social media. The images and videos of violent or traumatic events are putting our autonomic nervous systems on high alert. It is unsustainable and makes it hard to access the compassion and human connection we now need more than ever.
We are advised to do two things: To monitor our emotional and embodied responses to the news, then modulating our media intake to prevent a state of overwhelm. And, second, to regulate or calm our nervous system using any number of methods, such as walking, rocking, dancing, humming, singing, chanting or enjoying nature or beauty.
Or, as author Deb Dana suggested several years ago, we might develop a practice of looking for “glimmers.” Glimmers, she described, are micromoments or small experiences that make us feel more hopeful, connected, safe or even joyful. They are not meant to distract us from reality’s challenges; but to open our awareness to reality’s full complexity and many facets.
Today, I went out looking for glimmers. And with fiesty autumn wind blowing around me and street traffic moving by loudly, I visited a mural recently finished beneath an overpass near my house to record the message below. Note: the recording includes the background sounds of traffic and wind, so adjust your volume accordingly!
This month, as we focus on “widening what we trust,” the last of the ten thresholding skills named in my book, Trusting Change, I share this message as a reminder that we are not asked to trust what is ultimately untrustworthy. But rather to open our awareness to the glimmers of connection, of hope, of safety, joy and beauty that are tucked into the world all around us. And as we notice these glimmers, to let them support our faith — in others, in ourselves, in the world we desire — as we live through these challenging times.
Please join me and other thresholders online next Tuesday, November 14 to for a guided reflection and conversation about “Widening What We Trust.” You can register through the session’s cosponsors, Prairiewoods or the Christine Center. Or, for paid Threshold Times subscribers, through the link below. I hope to see you online.