When naming our threshold "journeying companions, often the first ones that come to mind are contemporaries, those physically or virtually present in the here and now. When we widen our invitation to include those who came before us and those who will follow after, we gain a steadier balance supported across a greater span of history.” (From Trusting Change, by Karen Hering).
This month’s focus is on Claiming Companions, a practice of noticing and claiming the many companions available to us on the cusp of change. If you’d like to explore this in an online session of embodied practices and guided writing, reflection and conversation, please register for “On the Cusp of Change: Claiming Companions,” Tuesday, September 10, 7 pm CDT.
Registration through the Christine Center and Prairiewoods retreat center is open to all. Paid subscribers to Threshold Times can register free using the link below, where you’ll also find this month’s audio recording from Trusting Change. Both are benefits of a paid subscription; if you are a paid subscriber, be sure to scroll down to receive them.
With all that is shifting in our world and our lives, friends, this is no time to go it alone! Stay connected to your own dear ones — and, if you’d like, join the gathering online next week.